Carrie Jane wears grey dress and floral blazer

Carrie thrives on finding the root cause of whatever dysfunction you might be feeling

Manual Osteopathic Therapy for Pelvic Pain

Why does my pelvis hurt?

Find out some common causes of pelvic pain and how it can be treated below:

What are common causes of pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain can be due to imbalances within the body. Imagine being 8 years old and flying off of a swing or slide and landing on your bottom! That force can misalign your coccyx (tailbone) or entire pelvis. Our bodies are usually great at compensating for those imbalances, but once we add more stresses to our system (this can be emotional stress or physical stress like pregnancy or a car accident), our body may run out of capacity to compensate. That’s when the pain starts.

Physical causes of pelvic pain include childhood trauma, adult trauma like car accidents, pregnancy, childbirth, and lifting heavy things without proper core stability.

How is pelvic pain treated?

The treatment will depend on what is found during the assessment. For example, someone’s body might have a multitude of imbalances like one hip higher than the other, weak gluteal muscles, a hypertonic pelvic floor, unbalanced uterine ligaments, or an imbalance between the pressures of their body cavities. Carrie will assess, treat, reassess, and continue. Your treatment will be unique to you and your body that day.

How many treatments will be required?

This is also unique to you and your body and its history. The goal will be to treat all underlaying issues that are contributing to the pain. Sometimes this will be simple and one treatment will resolve your issues. Other times, there will be multiple factors at play and will require multiple treatments.

Book your initial in-person assessment or complimentary phone consultation here.



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Edmonton, AB

T6A 0W2

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