
Paediatric Treatment

Paediatric Treatments include CranioSacral Therapy and Manual Osteopathic Therapy

What ages are paediatric treatments for?

Paediatric appointments cover a wide range of ages starting from the newborn stage up to age 12. Infant treatments, toddler treatments, and school-aged child treatments all have value. Teenagers can be treated as well, but their bodies respond more closely to adults.

Infant receives craniosacral therapy

Why do infants and children need CranioSacral Therapy or Manual Osteopathic Therapy?

Both pregnancy and birth can impact the bodies of babies and children. Addressing any imbalances can help with feeding, sleeping, reflux, digestion, colic, and overall contentment. CST and MOT are great additions to any oral tether treatment that might also be impacting these issues.

Carrie’s ability to listen with her hands ensures babies get the treatment their bodies need, even if they can’t communicate with words.

Once in the toddler zone, walking into things and falling as they learn how to use their bodies can cause imbalances that are easily reversed in little ones.

As children get older, sports injuries and school stresses seem to be the larger issues. A quick rebalance can do wonders on these growing bodies.

What does an infant appointment look like?

All appointments start with some assessment which looks different depending on the age of the child. During some appointments, babies won’t leave mom’s or dad’s arms. Other appointments include some table time or being held and bounced in Carrie’s arms while she works. Treatment can happen while baby feeds, sleeps, and snuggles.

Manual Osteopathic Therapist treats child on treatment table

What does an appointment with an older child look like?

Carrie tunes into the energy of your child and “reads the room”. Some appointments are full of giggles and silly noises. Other appointments are very calm and soothing. Sometimes appointments flow back and forth to meet the needs of the child and family. The needs of the child come first and consent is paramount. Carrie is great at creating a safe healing space for different needs.

Children often chill out and get into a very peaceful and relaxed state during their treatments.

Book your child’s appointment here.



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Edmonton, AB

T6A 0W2

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