
What is Visceral Manipulation?

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is a hands-on modality that encourages the normal tone and movement within and between internal organs. It specifically works on the connective tissue between organs (the viscera) so that your body can function optimally. Because there is blood and nerve flow in these areas, any decrease in this flow can lead to restrictions. Restrictions can cause pain, but more often cause our body to compensate which leads to pain in other areas of our body.

When do you need Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral manipulation can be helpful for anyone with a desire to improve their health and wellbeing. Jean-Pierre Barral, a teacher in the field who has seen over 140,000 clients in his life found that throughout his work, approximately 95% of skeletal dysfunctions had a visceral component. This means that a restriction of the viscera holding your intestines in place could be causing your low back pain or that your chronic shoulder pain might be caused by cranky connective tissue around your liver.

What happens during a Visceral Manipulation Treatment?

This appointment starts with a full assessment including your history and visceral listens. Carrie will tune into your body and see where there are “pulls”. She will find out where your body is compensating for imbalances and work to clear the dysfunction with hands-on work. It’s gentle and some work is done through clothing while other work can be done on the skin of the abdomen. Client comfort and consent is always taken into consideration with alternatives available for different comfort levels.

Can I bring my child to the appointment??

Yes. Appointments are generally more efficient without children around and it’s best if you can concentrate on yourself the whole time, but sometimes as a new mom, being apart is difficult. Even better, book you AND your baby in for a treatment. If you’re wondering about logistics, get in touch with me and we’ll figure out how we can best accomodate you.

To experience this appointment for yourself, book here.



Edmonton, Alberta


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Edmonton, AB

T6A 0W2

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